Thursday, September 3, 2020

Top 10 Grammatical and Spelling Errors of 2011

Top 10 Grammatical and Spelling Errors of 2011 In December 2010 I posted the Top 10 Grammar and Spelling Errors from 2010 and got a record number of hits on my blog and â€Å"likes† on facebook. In the previous year as The Essay Expert, I’ve gathered another bunch of errors.â I repeated several things from 2010 that were so determined I simply needed to rehash myself! I compose these rundowns with the expectation that individuals will execute what they realize and produce better papers, better continues, and generally better composed materials.â Improved composing gets results with regards to acquiring occupations, getting into school, landing new customers and keeping the clients youve got.â So read up! 10.â Advice versus Exhort Here’s a note from one of my faithful perusers, Christine, who mentioned that I notice this regular misunderstanding: â€Å"Advice is a thing. A model would be: ‘Brenda given valuable exhortation in regards to spelling errors.’ Prompt is an action word. A model would be: ‘Brenda would you be able to please prompt your perusers about also abused words?’† Much obliged to you Christine for your commitment to my yearly rundown! 9.â Your versus You’re You’re is a withdrawal for â€Å"you are.†Ã¢ If you’re utilizing the word to mean â€Å"you are† (2 words), compose it as a contraction.â E.g., Do you realize that you’re going to miss the 5:00 train? Your is a possessive pronoun.â E.g., Your train is leaving quickly. 8.â Tenet versus Occupant Indeed, even our leader messed this one up.â A fundamental is a conviction or perfect of faith.â Tenants lease from landlords.â See The President Makes Grammatical Errors Too. 7.â Sign up versus join I see this one on the web constantly and it drives me a piece batty.â Sign up is a verb.â Sign-up is a descriptor that adjusts a thing like structure or sheet.â Correct:â â€Å"Sign up here for news and updates† or Go to our sign-up page to register.â Incorrect: â€Å"Sign-up here for news and updates† or Go to our sign up page to register.â For comparative instances of legitimate (and inappropriate) utilization of phrasal action words, read my article, Check out this Phrasal Verb Breakdown. 6.â Everyday versus Consistently I composed an entire article about this one as well: Common Grammatical Errors:â Everyday versus Each Day.â Everyday is a descriptive word meaning â€Å"common† or â€Å"day-to-day.†  As I’m sure you know, individuals make regular syntactic blunders each day. 5. â€Å"This† without a referent Ensure that in the event that you utilize the word This to begin a sentence, you help your peruser comprehend what you’re alluding to!â The best practice is to utilize a referent after the word This.â Incorrect:â This will guarantee your sentences are understood.â Correct:â This training will guarantee your sentences are comprehended. 4.â Verbage Verbage doesn't mean â€Å"words†!â Although the OED has a passage for â€Å"verbage† as a â€Å"rare interchange spelling of verbiage,† Merriam-Webster doesn't recognize the presence of the word. Verbiage, frequently abused too, implies abundance language. The jury is out with respect to whether the expression â€Å"excess verbiage† is repetitive however I’m adhering to it. 3.  Apostrophes (that’s not apostrophe’s!) to make plural things With certain special cases which I won’t go into here, plural things are framed by adding a s or es to the particular type of the nounâ€NOT by including an apostrophe!â The plural of parent is guardians; the plural of PC is PCs; and the plural of Wednesday is Wednesdays.â No punctuation needed!â Conversely, possessives ARE shaped by adding a punctuation s.â To talk about an author’s aim, for example, utilize the punctuation s. 2.â Myself Think for a couple of moments before you utilize the word myself instead of me toward the finish of a sentence.â A sentence like â€Å"George was addressing my companion Lucy and myself† is linguistically incorrect.â Replacing me with myself has gotten normal, maybe as an endeavor to abstain from utilizing the word me.â Think about it.â You would state â€Å"George was addressing me† so simply state â€Å"George was addressing my companion Lucy and me† NOT George was addressing my companion Lucy and myself.â The grammatical forms don’t change in light of the fact that someone else was added to the sentence! 1. Comma graft I can’t disclose to you how frequently my customers string two full, total sentences along with a comma.â This blunder is known as a comma splice.â (See Writing Tips:â How to Use Commas and Semicolons Part 2.)  Here’s an example:â â€Å"Simply watching my environmental factors was insufficient for me, I had to know how things functioned and why they functioned in that particular way.† The right method to intersperse this sentence is â€Å"Simply watching my environmental factors was insufficient for me; I had to know how things functioned and why they functioned in that particular way.† Two full sentences should regularly get isolated by a period or a semicolon; don't utilize a comma! I anticipate your remarks and â€Å"likes.† Best wishes for a linguistically right 2012!  â â â â â â â â Brenda Category:UncategorizedBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 26, 2011 7 Comments Kimberly says: December 27, 2011 at 8:25 am Much thanks to you such a great amount for this article. Composing (and talking) effectively is so significant. Question: Verbiage: The verbiage of the report was clear. Much obliged to you for your ability. Sign in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 10:33 am Much thanks to you for your inquiry Kimberly. In your sentence, I would state The significance of the report was clear, or The archive was unmistakably composed, or The language in the record was extremely clear, or The creator utilized clear language in the record. Im sure there are numerous different decisions too! Sign in to Reply Ann says: December 27, 2011 at 11:13 am You have helped me so much this year. You have cleared up huge numbers of the missteps that I had made for a considerable length of time. Much obliged to you for this and all your different posts. Sign in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 11:19 am Youre welcome Ann! Happy to make a commitment! Sign in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 6:05 pm A debt of gratitude is in order for the remark Joan. To me, George was addressing my companion Lucy and me sounds pleasantly casual, just as syntactically right! Sign in to Reply Penelope J. says: December 27, 2011 at 8:34 pm What about abuse of the word I as in George was addressing my companion Lucy and I? Increasingly more regularly, I am by all accounts hearing the pronoun I utilized instead of me. Now and again, even I get befuddled regarding what is currently viewed as right language structure. Sign in to Reply The Essay Expert says: December 27, 2011 at 8:52 pm Much appreciated Penelope. I shrouded that one in a years ago rundown so let it be this year ðÿ™‚ Sign in to Reply

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Using Mixed Method: Both Qualitative & Quantitative Research

BackgroundOnce upon a period there was a fruitful line of accommodation stores. We'll call this gathering of stores â€Å"QuickStop†. Sooner or later a staff-part understood that QuickStop appeared to be belittled by a lot a bigger number of men than ladies. This was passed along to the supervisory crew and they asked the store tellers to casually monitor the extents of men to ladies who came into their stores. It worked out that the hypothesis appeared to remain constant, and in reality unmistakably a larger number of men belittled QuickStop than did women.This data was passed along to different supervisors at other QuickStop stores and they found a similar pattern. This got some more significant level administration consideration and they started to ask why this was happening. In the long run administration settled on the choice this was too enormous a gathering of potential clients to lose, and a choice was in the end made to consider this wonder and to comprehend why it wa s occurring, and in the event that anything should be possible about it.Research ObjectiveA look into venture was intended to see how ladies felt about shopping at QuickStop stores and why. It was concluded that this exploration ought to be subjective and the particular approach would be inside and out Interviews (this is inquire about with each expert questioner and one respondent in turn †for this situation the choice was made on the grounds that there were doubts that there could be touchy issues that wouldn't be talked about as openly in a gathering setting).Qualitative ResearchAbout two dozen ebb and flow or potential female clients were paid to come into an examination office to talk about the utilization of accommodation stores all in all, and later in the meetings the conversation was coordinated explicitly to QuickStop comfort stores, specifically. The outcomes were exceptionally astonishing to the supervisory crew. The major subjective discoveries includedâ the follo wing:i. Ladies saw comfort stores to be essentially intended for men, with next to zero thought for women,ii. The washrooms at accommodation stores were accepted to be the dirtiest that could be found in a city †â€Å"gross† was the most well-known depiction †and that recognition penetrated everything that ladies felt about comfort stores in generaliii. QuickStop was viewed as one of the most exceedingly awful of comfort stores â€Å"kind of the spot for a man to purchase gas, get a six-pack of modest brew and cigarettes, yet not the sort of spot I need to go†.Quantitative ResearchOnce the supervisory crew had a comprehension of what issues they confronted with female clients, they felt that they expected to see how comprehensively these convictions were held. Presently they expected to get some hard numbers, and that implied that they expected to direct quantitative statistical surveying. The exploration objective for this period of research were:i. See how female clients of QuickStop vary from those that don't consistently visit these stores.ii. Get whether a redesign of QuickStop could allure each gathering to visit all the more every now and again (or at all relying upon whether the respondent as of now stayed away from QuickStop entirely).For the quantitative period of research they chose to direct 250 phone interviews with a mix of female respondents. The prerequisites to take part in this period of research were that: half of the respondents expressed that they had utilized QuickStop at any rate multiple times in the most recent year, and the other half admitted to deliberately maintaining a strategic distance from QuickStop through and through, in spite of the fact that they used different brands of comfort stores. The major resultsâ from the quantitative stage demonstrated that:a. Over 76% of all female QuickStop clients were ladies under 30 years of age, without kids, while ladies with kids and with higher livelihoods were mu ltiple times more averse to shop at QuickStopb. The uplifting news was that of the ladies who didn't as of now use QuickStop, 64% said that if these stores were to refresh their shading plans, tidy up their washrooms and update their wellbeing and ladylike items that they would attempt QuickStop again.The two periods of research (subjective + quantitative) gave the QuickStop supervisory crew an excellent comprehension of where they as of now remained with female clients and why. Their quantitative research additionally demonstrated that those ladies who were not at present utilizing their stores would â€Å"forgive† them on the off chance that they changed their ways. Their choice currently was to choose if increasing progressively moderately aged ladies as clients merited the expense of refreshing their stores and going through more cash to keep them spotless and perfect, and better supplied with the kinds of items that moderately aged ladies with youngsters needed.Research note: all in all when directing two periods of research (for this situation subjective and quantitative statistical surveying) it's frequently the situation that the principal stage (subjective research) is led first as a â€Å"lead-in†. Subjective research will in general assistance the supervisory group comprehend the hidden issues, and the subsequent stage (quantitative for this situation) assists with seeing how inescapable/wide spread these sentiments/mentalities are among a specific objective crowd.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Why may the Romans be considered great city builders Essay

For what reason may the Romans be viewed as incredible city developers - Essay Example The capital city of Rome was particularly celebrated for its nitty gritty arranging and association. It is hard to see how city organizers of Rome could have pulled off such a stupendous and clearing venture without the guide of present day building helps. However, the landmarks, government structures, open entertainment houses and different structures and arrangements inside the city were very cutting-edge for the time. Furthermore, a portion of the innovation utilized by Romans keeps on discovering application in present day urban areas today. With no more prominent guide than stones, blocks, wood and mortar, the Romans developed extraordinary works of compositional worth. The Bridges over Danube and Rhine are prime instances of Roman engineering. These two waterways, which set the northern furthest reaches of the realm, end up being an obstacle for the northward extension of the domain. To defeat this issue Julius Caesar united the best design personalities available to him to con struct these strategically and militarily significant extensions. The Colosseum is another milestone in the notable city of Rome. Considerably following a few centuries of its development, the structure has to a great extent stayed flawless, offering guests a dramatic encounter. Worked by Emperor Titus, the Colosseum was intended to have fighter battles and creature battles. So during its working days, it was observer to probably the most shocking fights forever.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Critically Analyze the Concept of the Corporate Veil in Australia - 275 Words

Critically Analyze the Concept of the Corporate Veil in Australia (Thesis Sample) Content: Critically Analyze the Concept of the Corporate Veil in Australia.By .........Presented to DR. /Prof.Master of CommerceCorporate LawUniversity of Melbourne...25 January 20142.0 Table of ContentsTitle Page 1Table of contents2Abstract..................34.0 Introduction...........45.0 Corporate Veil and Exemptions....................55.1 Salomons Case56.0 Lifting the Corporate Veil..........76.1 Agent and Holding / Shareholding Company..................76.2 Instrument of Fraud...............96.3 Victim of Tort106.4 Corporate Bodies...........................................................107.0 Lifting the Corporate veil under Corporations Act..............128.0 Conclusions....................................................................139.0 References......................................................................14 3.0 AbstractThis paper critically analysis the concept of the corporate veil. Reference is made to cases and legislation relating to the lifting o f the veil. Corporate veil is one of the fundamental aspects in discussion of corporate law id forms an integral part of body corporate and their regulations thereof. A particular emphasis is put on the Australia judicial system in order to determine the influence common law has on body corporate within this jurisdiction. The doctrine of separation of powers forms an important engagement vehicle between the company and the shareholders the settlement of disputes arising out of their engagement through contracts or as a result of tort. The lifting of the corporate veil is also discussed showing particular instances when it is necessary to pierce the veil in order to address an injustice on parties concerned. Common law has addressed cases of injustice on the part of the shareholders through the principle of lifting the corporate veil. Through this the courts can lift the protection granted to the shareholders to deny them limited liability. In this case the courts will exempt the sha reholders from the separate legal entity, the shareholders are held responsible for the actions of the company. Other instances that the court can lift the corporate veil include, where the courts have been requested to lift the corporate veil by either the shareholders or the company itself, this would allow the courts to give remedy that either party would be denied. The doctrine of separation of powers has been used as the basis of most jurisdiction laws and forms a fundamental aspect and component of international Law especially laws governing commerce. The courts in Australia intermittently use lifting and piercing the veil in other jurisdiction the two terms have different interpretations with reference to either shareholders or company. 4. O IntroductionOne of the most important legal principles in corporate law was affirmed by the House of Lords though the Salomons case, upon the registration of the company as a limited liability company which is often referred to us incorpo ration a legal entity is formed which has a distinct and separate legal entity from owners such as shareholders and directors.Corporate Veil is also often referred to us the Doctrine of Separate Legal Personality. This is legal position where the business (body corporate only) and owners (shareholders and directors) are treated in Law as distinct legal personalities each with rights and obligations. By creating a corporate veil the company becomes a distinct legal personality capable of being sued in a court of Law. The corporation has sole responsibility of debts it incurs or a beneficiary of debts it is owed, those debts cannot be treated as liabilities of the shareholders or directors unless the courts separate the legal personalities of the corporation and shareholders or directors, this is the concept upheld in many commonwealth countries Australia included, under common law. This doctrine was established in the famous case of Solomon vs Salomon case. In a different descripti on the concept has become a point of focus when courts lift or piece the corporate veil. Despite the fact that the doctrine conveys separate legal entity to corporations and shareholders in several circumstances it is possible for courts of law to treat the legal personality of corporations and individual shareholders as lifted. This way the courts treat the obligations and rights of corporations as the liabilities and rights of the shareholders. According to Eisenberg (n d) the limited liability of corporations and shareholders is distinct and are not related. 5.0 Corporate Veil and ExemptionsWhile the principle of separation of personalities is crucial in running modern day body corporate, the case Solomon v Solomon that established the principle has come under criticism especially given that there are instances where a conflict exists between the shareholders and the body corporate. In Australia the case law is not very clear on the particular circumstances under which the c ourts can lift the veil; the company law does not specify either. Therefore failure of legislation and case law makes it difficult to discern broad principle regarding the lifting of the veil in Australia courts, a similar case is observed in many other jurisdictions around the world, but case laws has helped bring out the particular facts that other courts can follow in cases involving lifting the veil. Therefore it is important to look at cases concerned with the corporate veil more critically.5.1 Solomons CaseThe case conferred upon the body corporate distinct legal personalities to ensure that the corporate can be able to acquire debts, own assets and be liable and responsible for these debts and assets respectively (Grantham Rickett (eds), 1998). However several criticisms have been leveled on the case some of which are;The shareholders do not participate in the day to day running of the company this was some of the benefit conferred upon the shareholders by the case (Boros and Duns). Therefore all the resources of the company are under direct control of the management and the workers. The shareholders interest is on divided and shareholders are not required to spend resources and time monitoring the company. The case focused on the financial costs associated with management while in reality there are social costs and other costs that can be attributed to an individual that are associated with the management. For example depending on the performance of the company capital will rise on good performance of the company and decline on poor performance, the man focus would be to diversify investments to minimize risks.Limited liability conferred by the case helps in the transfer of shares to new shareholders thus allowing the market share to be efficient as all the shares are of equal value this makes the transfer procedure simple. The market share efficiency has been heralded as an important aspect in the desire by the companies to reduce cost of capital as often the company will not require to borrow at high interest rates from the banks as shareholders can often be required to raise additional capital.The company information is often available to creditors than the shareholders as they do not actively participate in the running of the companies while creditors rely on careful analysis of the companys finances to qualify the company to receive loans. Therefore the shareholders are poor bearers of the company risks as compared to creditors.Careful analysis of the presented information about Salomon case reveals that shareholders were the main beneficiaries of the case as this ensured that the shareholders only loose the amount contributed as capital in case the company fails. While the creditors would be compensated from the disposal of, remaining assets, this often is not sufficient.The major effect of the case was to shift the risk of business failure. In many instances this falls on the creditors as shareholders only loose the am ount contributed as capital. Many such instances have been addressed by other common law cases through piecing the corporate veil.In Salomons case a general rule that was intended was that the courts could not treat a body corporate and shareholders as one entity. However to address the different scenarios where a director or shareholder would incur liabilities and them make the company liable several common law cases have created exceptions to this rule. In this case when the exceptions are applied the company, shareholders and directors are liable for the company debts. 6.0 Lifting the Corporate VeilThe court can impose liability on the said parties and this is referred to us Lifting or Piecing of the corpora...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Effects of Media on the Body-Image of Preadolescent Girls

The Effects of Media on the Body-Image of Preadolescent Girls Media is infamous for having a tremendous effect on teenage girls. The mass media have long been criticized for presenting unrealistic appearance ideals that contribute to the development of negative body image for many women and girls (Harrison Hefner, 2006). Whether it’s the influence on their choice of friends, school, or their self image, media has played an important role in affecting those decisions. A growing number of experimental studies have demonstrated a causal link between acute exposure to thin-ideal images (i.e., images of impossibly thin and attractive female beauty) and increased body dissatisfaction (Hargreaves Tiggemann, 2003). It has recently been†¦show more content†¦The indirect influence comes from the conversations that the young girls have with their friends about the thin celebrities (McCabeLina Ridge, 2006). According to Dohnt and Tiggemann (2006a), young girls may engage in conversations with their friends about pop stars or models, ther eby reinforcing media-presented societal messages of the thin ideal. Unfortunately, today’s society promotes that being thin will insure bliss in one’s everyday life. The National Eating Disorder Association stated that â€Å"The average woman wears a size 10; the average model a size 2.† Many people think of body image as only a physical opinion of good looks and splendor. Body image is so much more than that. The body image of a person is related to their emotions, and if it is not a positive body image it can negatively affect their self-esteem (Nation Eating Disorder Association, 2006). An appropriate definition for body image is that it is what an individual sees when they look in the mirror. Body image can be influenced positively or negatively (Nation Eating Disorder Association, 2006). In a study conducted by Harrison and Hefner (2006), they found that media influences on body image tend to develop earlier then adolescence. In this study they found that girls at age six were aware of dieting techniques, were dissatisfied with their bodies and wished to be thinner. The implied theoretical process isShow MoreRelatedDoes Media Influence Adolescent Girls Into Having Negative Body Images2580 Words   |  11 PagesOctober 24,2010 Does the Media Cause Individuals to Develop Negative Body Images? The influence the media has upon all of society can have positive and negative effects on the public. The effect the media has on adolescent girls in regard to body image has had negative impacts, such as an obsession with body weight and what the society views as the â€Å"perfect body†. The media can be seen as partly responsible for the pressure adolescent females’ face in consideration to body issues. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility Of India Essay - 1669 Words

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INDIA â€Å"Crossing the Bridge from Knowing to doing† Jasleen Kaur Luthra* â€Å"Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it.† Carie Underwood Abstract The 21st century is characterized by unprecedented challenges and opportunities, arising from globalization, the desire for inclusive development and the imperatives of climate change. Indian business, which is today viewed globally as a responsible component of the ascendancy of India, is poised now to take on the leadership role in the challenges of our times. It is recognized, world over that integrating social, environmental and ethical responsibilities into the governance of businesses ensures long tern success, competitiveness and sustainability. This approach also reaffirms the view that businesses are an integral part of society, and have a critical and active role to play in the sustenance and improvement of healthy ecosystems, in fostering social inclusiveness and equity, and in upholding the essentials of ethical practices and good governance. This also improves business sense as companies with effective CSR, have image of socially responsible companies and their products and services are preferred by the customers. 1. Introduction: One of humankind’s greatest challenges in this countryShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility Of India Essay1888 Words   |  8 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility in India - An Effort to Bridge the Welfare Gap Dr.Mahendra Singh Associate Professor and Head department of sociology Madhav University, Pindwara, Sirohi Email Id- Abstract Drawing on existing hypothetical and exact writing on the basis behind Corporate Social Obligation (CSR), this paper examinations the potential ramifications of commanded CSR under the as of late sanctioned Companies Act, 2013 in India on firm motivationsRead MoreSocial Accounting Practices in India as a Corporate Social Responsibility†2281 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"Social Accounting Practices in India as a Corporate Social Responsibility† Concept: The concept of Social Accounting originated in different forms by Adam Smith in 1776, Later on, Karl Marks and Engel also expressed their views about social costs in 1844. 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Although, the concept of CSR is not new in India and has evolved and developed very well from hundredsRead MoreComprehensive Health Data Breach Response Plan906 Words   |  4 PagesName Course Title Date Definition Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the ethical behaviour of a company towards society it operates in. It is a commitment to the concern to the society’s sustainability development. â€Å"Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned with the ways in which an organisation exceeds its minimum obligations to stakeholders specified through regulation.† (Johnson et al 2010) CRS in the eyes of some corporates may vary but the underlying principle remains

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When the Other Dancer Is the Self Is an Interesting portrayal of one womans personal Journey of discovery but also purposefully offers lessons for our own personal struggles. Engaging In a forceful manner with a clear Intention In the structure of the time progression, she navigates the reader from her experiences as a youth to, In some ways, the successful conclusion of her path to true self-realization and awareness.The effective use of the present voice as she progresses through mime further strengthens the relevancy of her message as we the audience are Inspired on our own paths of enlightenment. Her definitions of beauty, albeit immature, are earnest and at the very least well- defined and understood at an early age. The competitive nature of a seemingly simple desire of accompanying her father in his employers car results in her need to measure and reason out some of the outward attributes of being the prettiest (Walker, 362). We will write a custom essay sample on Opinons on the Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An assumption that being pretty as an important factor of re fathers decision-making process is made, and then further confirmed as she takes her seat among the winners. Later when she turns six, during her performance on her school stage, there is a transformation in her definition of beauty as she realizes that beauty can also be something quite intangible, not necessarily seen, but felt.The world she lives in, previously viewed with optimism and positivist, comes crashing down when she suffers an accident that is not only physically scarring, but also has far-reaching negative effects on her soul and spirit. For six years after her accident, she lives a hidden life, a life apart from her family, her schoolmates, and her troubles. Her grades suffer, her self-image at school is shattered, and her desire to succeed becomes non-existent.She is forced to return to her old school, effectively estranging her from her family and the ensuing Illness of her mother further compounds and strengthens this negative self-perception as she attributes her appearance as one of the main reasons for her estrangement. Finally, a fortunate turn of events and a successful medical procedure which removes the physical aspect of her accident, allows her to regain her Orlando perception of beauty and returns her to the path of success she was once on.Its Interesting to note that she spends very little time In her writing to describe her life following the procedure. Finally, the defining light-bulb moment comes through a casual and Innocent observation of the world In [her] eye (Walker, 370) from the authors daug hter and signifies the conclusion of her Journey. It Is the realization of love, the fulfillment of the void which outward beauty once filled and the affirmation of self.