Sunday, December 29, 2019

Biography Of John F. Kennedy - 1930 Words

Gwinnett Tech John F. Kennedy Diamond Burks MGMT1115-Leadership (41921) Trudy Dunson February 24, 2015 John F. Kennedy is the leader I will be discussing in my paper I will be talking about his life, before and during his presidency, what type of leadership he was; also what his leadership says about what type of followers he had. John F. Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts May 29, 1917 Rose and Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was a very illness child and his mother make a annotation on John notecard the early age sicknesses that JFK experienced from that was a contagious bacterial disease, fever and varicella. By the time he was three John get very sick with the disease strep throat and by the situation could have even told his life because it was a life-threatening disease. The Kennedys’ moved to another house when Jack was three years old his father worked hard to become a successful business man but it was difficult for him to fit in when it was college at Harvard because he was an Irish Catholic. John went to Choate a boarding school for adolescent boys in Connecticut and h e was very popular. Jack was only a mediocre student, graduating 65th in a class of 110 students he don’t do well in school what effects his studies. After he graduated from school he went to Harvard in 1936 and was not good at sport like his brother Joe. Before he became a senior in College Kennedy wrote a thesis on why Great Britain was unprepared for war with Germany it was laterShow MoreRelatedBiography Of John F. Kennedy Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesRepublican Richard Nixon and Democrat John F. Kennedy. Nixon and Kennedy were polar- opposites when it came to politics and even their personalities were distinct. John F. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in the...

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen is an important document of the French Revolution. The National Assembly passed it on August 6, 1789. The Declaration presents the idea of inalienable rights of humans regardless of social status or privilege. It, along with support of the majority of France, was instrumental in putting an end to the Ancien Regime. The Ancien Regime was the old order matriarchal way, and the people of France were tired of the control this absolute monarchy had over them. The French Revolution was a turning point in European history that would forever change the government of France. Not only were the citizens unhappy with their current government, but the majority were suffering from the economic crisis as the result of war. Forty years of wars in which France was involved had taken its toll on the economy. In addition to the drain on finances by war, the extravagant lifestyles of the aristocracy also drained France’s treasury. Though econo my was definitely a cause of the French Revolution, it was not the only cause. Like the American Revolution that occurred a decade earlier, there were many reasons for the revolt but the main goal being equality for all. One catalyst of the French Revolution was the Ancien Regime’s social structure. For centuries, the people of France were divided into three distinct groups, also known as Estates or Orders. The First Estate consisted of the Clergy of the French Catholic Church. The church was quiteShow MoreRelatedFrench and Haitian Revolution Comparisons1531 Words   |  7 Pagesstarted a Revolution across the Atlantic Throughout history, there have been dozens of times when people were extremely upset with the government that was ruling over them. However, these angry citizens only revolt a fraction of the time, due to fear of the government. Two examples of when people stood up for their rights and revolted are the French Revolution and the Haitian Revolution. These revolts are loosely connected, as many say that the Haitian Revolution was inspired by the French RevolutionRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Citizen1529 Words   |  7 PagesFrance’s, The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, played an integral role in the development of democracy and the pursuit of liberty throughout Europe. This document was written and introduced by General Lafayette as a result of the French Revolution. The French Constituent Assembly passed it in August of 1789. Influenced by Thomas Jefferson, the American Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, and the ideas of the Enlightenment philosophers, the document reiterates the valuesRead MoreBill of Rights Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen Essay1289 Words   |  6 Pages The Bill of Rights and Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are based on the same principles of natural rights; therefore each document is similar in protecting the peoples natural rights. 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These conditions included dissatisfaction amongRead MoreThe American Revolution Set up Equality and Power for America621 Words   |  3 PagesChristopher Hitchens claims that â€Å"†¦ the American Revolution is the only revolution that still resonates†and this claim is valid because the American Revolution led to democratic ideals and governments being spread across the world, it set the precedent of equality in our country, and it set it up to be the world power it is today. America’s Revolution gave birth to real applications of Enlightenment ideals, and in doing so spurred movements of independence and democracy around the world duringRead MoreThe Declaration Of Rights Of Women And A Public Speech By Frederick Douglass933 Words   |  4 PagesThe French Revolution produced many changes both in France and in Europe as a whole. The most evident change brought by the French Revolution was the move from absolutism to republicanism that represents a shift towards democracy. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which was announced in 1789, was arguably the foundations of the human rights and many constitutions in democratic countries like the Britain and America. The concept is based on the â€Å"natural rights† that were establishedRead MoreWomen And Women During The French Revolution1413 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the French Revolution, namely 1789, men and women were both dealing with change in government, society, and many different aspects of life. Two documents that represent the rights of men and women are Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and The Vindication of the Rights of Woman. These two documents are similar in content because they describe how men and women should be treated as equals in society. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen came first, and sparkedRead MoreThe Enlightenment Principles Of Rationalism And Universal Rights1684 Words   |  7 Pagesthis era, inspiring populations locally and abroad. This revolution of ideas led to political and societal upheaval throughout the Western world. This essay will argue that the Enlightenment principles of rationalism and universal rights shaped modern Europe and North America through the rejection of absolutist government and the movement towards an equal society. The effect of these Enlightenment ideas is evident throughout the ‘Declaration of Independence’, written by Thomas Jefferson and th e CongressionalRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Declaration Of The Rights Of Man1361 Words   |  6 PagesThe French Revolution began with King Louis XVI, and his wife, and ended with Napoleon Bonaparte. In between these two powerful peoples reign, The Declaration of the Rights of Man was created, which was an outline of man’s natural rights. The document enforced that the wealthy pay taxes and that more jobs become available. This outline, one of the most important underlying documents of equality within the French Revolution, began to appear all over Europe. The articles within the declaration wereRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Citizen954 Words   |  4 PagesThe Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was the product of an oppressed people who were tired of living under a government in which they had no voice. During the Ancià ©n Regime in France, there social classes, called estates, greatly divided the people on the basis of power and wea lth. The first estate being the clergy, the second nobility, and the third estate being everyone else in the country of France (â€Å"The French Revolution† 23:20). The first two estates made up 3% of the population

Friday, December 13, 2019

Total Accounts Receivable Free Essays

string(65) " Receipts clerk but were not found in the Sales Invoice records\." Bradmark Wholesale General Supply ACL Case Study This paper contains the summary of the details and results of the audit tests on Bradmark’s Revenue and Expenditure Cycles. The audit tests were performed through the ACL Program. 2005 Rachelle Cultura | Trixia Ebol | Christine Fonseca Mary Rose Samas | Nadaine Tongco Ross Specter Co. We will write a custom essay sample on Total Accounts Receivable or any similar topic only for you Order Now October 24, 2012 1 | P a g e REVENUE CYLCE Assessment of Internal Controls over the Revenue Cycle The assessment of Bradmark’s internal controls over its revenue cycle procedures were done through the analysis of the processes each department is undertaking. For the Sales Department, it is but right that the clerk will seek the approval of the credit manager for customers with insufficient available credit. However, the credit manager should not only verbally authorize the clerk to change credit limits. More so, it is inappropriate for him to delegate the said task to the clerk as it violates the general control of authorization. Reconciliation of the documents – packing slip, shipping notice, and bill of lading – with the goods to be shipped must likewise be done for independent verification. Several copies of these documents must be made to be filed for future reference and monitored by the departments responsible in the each of the operational processes. In conclusion, Bradmark needs to improve some of the internal controls over its revenue cycle procedures. Existence or Occurrence From Bradmark’s data files on sales invoices, cash receipts and list of customers, the ACL software was used to compute and determine the Accounts Receivable balances of customers in the books. January 20, 2005 United City 920 4 h Street Bridgewater, New Jersey 8807 Dear Sir/Madam, In connection with an examination of our financial statements by Ross Specter Co. , Certified Public Accountants, 8th Avenue, Manhattan, New York (NY) 10014, we will appreciate it if you will indicate the correctness of the following information. Our records indicate that, at the close of business on December 31, 2004 the amount payable on your account was $8,627 Please sign the confirmation form in the spa ce provided below if this amount agrees with your records. If it does not agree, do not sign below but explain and sign on the reverse side. Please return this form directly to our accountants in the enclosed envelope. Very truly yours, Ross Specter Co. Confirmation – Information is accurate: ________________________________ Signature and date 2 | P a g e In order to verify the existence or occurrence of what these accounts actually owed to Bradmark, confirmation letters were sent to certain customers. Customers with unpaid balances in the records received confirmation requests from Bradmark. The figure above is an example of a positive confirmation letter that was sent to one of their clients, United City, asking for a verification of their balance amounting to $8,627. Similar positive confirmation letters were also sent to other customers with outstanding balances to the Company. Completeness In terms of verifying whether the sales figure represent those that actually occurred and were shipped during the period, the Sales Invoice and Shipping Log records were joined. However, to find out which items were not shipped, using the unmatched category was necessary. Presented below is the result of this audit test. As observed, the sales last November 4, 2004 to Customer 65003 (University Electronics) was not in the record of shipped goods. This gap should be further investigated by verifying the delivery of the goods with the said customer. In addition to that, there were items that were shipped past the cut-off date (December 31, 2004). The ACL procedure used to determine this was the filter function. The filter â€Å"Ship_Date `20041231`† was used and the results are displayed below. 3 | P a g e In total, there are ten records that should not be part of the Total Sales amount for the period. These records amount to a total of $29,495. 70. After taking into account the results for these two tests, the should-be balance for the Total Sales of the period was computed to be $5,317,470. 36. Valuation or Allocation The total Accounts Receivable balance in the records of $4,752,257. 70 was verified by setting a filter of â€Å"Remit_Num = 0† and then getting the total amount due. By doing this, only those sales which do not yet have a remittance advice are part of the accounts receivable. The figure below is the outcome of this procedure. 4 | P a g e However, if the difference between the total sales and the total cash received (for the period ending December 31, 2004) was computed, then the total Accounts Receivable balance would be $4,578,008. 14. This indicates that the Accounts Receivable is misstated in the financial statements. Moreover, from the analyse tab and the function â€Å"Age†, an aging of the Accounts Receivable was performed. The summary of this analysis can be seen in this figure: 5 | P a g e It should be noted that based on this test, the allowance for doubtful accounts should be adjusted to reflect the actual accounts, which can be considered as uncollectible, i. . those that are already over 90 days. The balance would then be $1,945,870. 20. 6 | P a g e Compared to the current estimation method of the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of Bradmark, this method of aging the Accounts Receivable is more appropriate. This also ensures that the balance is reasonable and properly valued. Accuracy To test the ac curacy of the recorded cash payments from customers, the Sales Invoice record was compared with the Cash Receipts record. These tables were joined and afterwards, the amounts due found in the Sales Invoice table was contrasted with those actually received in the Cash Receipts table. The figure below shows the records that did not match and, in effect, constituted errors to the reported balances of the accounts receivable and cash receipts. There are a total of eight records that show inconsistencies within the records of the company. Nos. 12684, 12687 and 12814 were remittances that were recorded by the Cash Receipts clerk but were not found in the Sales Invoice records. You read "Total Accounts Receivable" in category "Essay examples" These may be considered as a red flag to Bradmark. With these results, the management should verify if they have, in fact, received these payments as this may indicate theft within the Company. Other records like remittance nos. 12657, 12663 and 12709 demonstrate probable human errors while recording, since these discrepancies were due to lack or excess of digits as shown below. Lastly, remittance nos. 12651 and 12697 reveal that the amounts due have not been paid in full. This constitutes receivables from the customers. There is a need, however, to verify this and include those with partial payments in the list of customers to whom confirmation letters will be sent. 7 | P a g e Other Operational Concerns (Related to Revenue Procedures) Moreover, to make sure that the credit policy is consistently applied and that no customer exceeded his/her assigned credit limit, the join function was utilized. After joining the tables Customer and Sales Invoice using the many-to-many category, the filter â€Å"Amount_Due Credit_Limit† was subsequently set. The outcome of this test can be seen from the following figures: 8 | P a g e This shows that six customers (Customer Numbers 65003, 419449, 564291, 784547, 811002 and 925007) were given approval to purchase beyond their allowed credit limit. Particularly noticeable are customers 65003 (university Electronics) and 925007 (Galaxy Company), who have several purchases that exceeded their allowable credit. An in-depth inquiry on this matter should be done to uncover the cause of these violations. EXPENDITURE CYLCE Assessment of Internal Controls over the Expenditure Cycle After assessing its practices, Bradmark’s internal controls over its expenditure cycle appear to be inadequate. To rationalize this: ? Mr. James Walker has sole control over the determination of when to replenish the Company’s inventory, by how much and to whom to buy. This way of restocking seems to be unsystematic and subjective and by doing so, the Company is not that assured that purchases are made in an arms-length transaction. ? There may be gaps in the receiving report numbering system as the clerk must void receiving reports when errors are made during the data entry, thereby losing its significance as a control tool. ? Check and balance controls in place cannot be relied upon as there is a lack of segregation of duties. Mr. Walker has means to override. To illustrate, since Mr. Walker is the one encoding if the ordered products have been received in the warehouse and also the one making purchase orders, he can make a phony purchase order and indicate that it has already been received, even if no delivery has occurred. The accounts payable clerk would not detect that such was the case because her only verification toll 9 | P a g e she has is the RR Number that has been placed in the PO record, which, in the first place, was also encoded by Mr. Walker. Furthermore, it is to be noted that Mr. Walker played a significant role when the system was being put into place and can therefore effectively administer the system. Completeness Furthermore, in order to verify that there are no unrecorded liabilities during 2004, the Purchase Order and Receiving Report files were joined. Then, the resulting table was joined with the Voucher’s Payable file. To search for the items that were recorded, a filter is made to extract unmatched PO number in the three files. The result of this audit test is shown in the figures below: 10 | P a g e The results indicate that there are 21 incidences where a good was received (as recorded in the RR File) but no order was placed for it (based on the absence of the entry in the PO file). These received goods are also unrecorded in the Vouchers Payable file conceivably understating the Accounts Payable for the year. Moreover, the results also showed that there are 22 incidences where an order (as shown in Purchase Order file) was not received (as it cannot be found in the Receiving Report file) but was paid for by the Company (as indicated in the Vouchers Payable file). The unusual thing about these incidences was that these transactions were made with the same vendor (Vendor Number 11663). It is possible that all those purchase orders were fabricated and vendor number 11663 is a fictitious supplier. 11 | P a g e The summary of the actions taken is presented in this figure: Valuation or Allocation The Inventory Account is currently valued at $ 1,108,194. 94 which was calculated as the lower between lump sum cost and the market value of the inventory. This was verified by using the Total Fields function. The results are shown in the figure: 12 | P a g e However, such computation does not value the inventory items individually at their lower of cost or net realisable value in accordance with the accounting reporting standards. Thus, inventory is currently misstated in the financial statements. Thus, to correct the inventory balance, it is necessary to use the filter and total function. Inventory items whose costs are lower than their market value were first added. This resulted to a total of 140 items having a should-be recorded cost of $941,109. 79. Meanwhile, 11 inventory items that should be valued at their market value have a total of $129,986. 27. Adding these two figures together, the inventory balance should be at $ 1,071,096. 06. 13 | P a g e Accuracy In asserting the accuracy of payments to vendors, the Check Register and the Voucher Payable data were joined. This gives us 17 entries that show zero value. Filter and total functions were used to determine if there are payments made which are greater than what was actually owed by the Company. As shown in the figures below, the total disbursed cash is greater than the sum 14 | P a g e f the full amount. The full amount is the basis for the disbursing of cash; however, five records appear to have exceeded this limit. One shows that there was a check issued to settle a payable that has a negative amount. In addition, three checks that have negative values were issued to pay three negatively recorded payables. Further examination of 15 | P a g e these check payments must be m ade in order to ascertain if these discrepancies have resulted from mere human errors or were intentionally made to cover a fraudulent act. By searching for duplicates, another anomaly was uncovered. One out of the 25 records shows that two consecutively numbered checks were issued to pay for one invoice. The management must investigate on this incident as this involves an explicit misuse of financial resources. 16 | P a g e 17 | P a g e Operational Risk This test focuses on the operational efficiency of the company. To ensure that the discount for their purchases are taken advantage of, the payment due date was compared with the actual payment date. This was done by first joining the Check Register and Vouchers Payable files using the matched category. Subsequently, those checks that do not have a check number were filtered using â€Å"Chk_Num ‘’†. This is to make sure that only those checks that were actually issued are compared to the accounts paid. The resulting data is again filtered using â€Å"Pay_Date Due_Date† to arrive at those purchases whose actual payment data is beyond their due date. The following tables show the files after the employing the said filter: 18 | P a g e 19 | P a g e 20 | P a g e How to cite Total Accounts Receivable, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Special Relativity Essay Research Paper ESPECIALLY 2 free essay sample

Particular Relativity Essay, Research Paper ESPECIALLY # 8230 ; # 8230 ; of Hardy # 8217 ; s Poems as Seen through the characters # 8221 ; is a survey refering Hardy # 8217 ; s capableness of showing sarcasm of state of affairs in his poesy. The analysis deals # 8230 ; sas-7-94.htm # 8211 ; 64k # 8211 ; Cached # 8211 ; Similar pages Poetry term documents and more term documents # 8211 ; examples # 8211 ; 165- # 8230 ; # 8230 ; 5 page analysis of three verse forms that personify objects or exteriorize worlds. The author examines Walt Whitman # 8217 ; s # 8216 ; To A Locomotive In Winter, # 8217 ; Thomas Hardy # 8217 ; s # 8216 ; The # 8230 ; # 8211 ; 55k # 8211 ; Cached # 8211 ; Similar pages POEMS OF 1912-13 ( THOMAS HARDY 1840-1928 ) # 8230 ; web pages are intended to assist you in your critical analysis and apprehension of Hardy # 8217 ; s poesy. All of the verse forms occur in Hardy # 8217 ; s aggregation Poems of 1912-13 # 8230 ; # 8211 ; 3k # 8211 ; Cached # 8211 ; Similar pages THOMAS HARDY AND THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE # 8230 ; by Thomas Hardy # 8217 ; s from Project Bartleby ; Thomas Hardy Poems from the Poetry Archive ; Analysis of Thomas Hardy # 8217 ; s The Convergence of the Twain ; Review of Novel ; # 8230 ; www.geoc – 12k – Cached – Similar pages ChuckIII # 8217 ; s College Resources # 8211 ; Poetry # 8211 ; Thamas Hardys, The # 8230 ; # 8230 ; break midway through the verse form. Unlike most poets who keep their verse forms in chronological order to keep suspense throughout the verse form, Hardy believed that # 8230 ; World Wide Web. *.com/Reports/Poetry/Thamas_Hardys__The_Convergeance_of_Twain.shtml # 8211 ; 15k # 8211 ; Cached # 8211 ; Similar pages Research documents and research documents on Poetry # 8211 ; 165-011 # 8230 ; 5 page analysis of three verse forms that personify objects or exteriorize worlds. The author examines Walt Whitman # 8217 ; s # 8216 ; To A Locomotive In Winter, # 8217 ; Thomas Hardy # 8217 ; s # 8216 ; The # 8230 ; # 8211 ; 46k # 8211 ; Cached # 8211 ; Similar pages Result Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Following Search within consequences New! Get the Google Toolbar for your browser: Try your question on: AltaVista Deja Excite HotBot Infoseek Lycos Yahoo! Google Web Directory # 8211 ; Cool Jobs # 8211 ; Advertise with Us! # 8211 ; Add Google to your Site # 8211 ; Google in your Language # 8211 ; All About Google ? 2001 Google

Thursday, November 28, 2019

English as Foreign Language (Efl) Teaching and Learning at the Undergraduate Level Treatment of Errors and Mistakes Essay Example

English as Foreign Language (Efl) Teaching and Learning at the Undergraduate Level: Treatment of Errors and Mistakes Essay Human speech is very much complicated. It cannot be explained from any single source. The first sound a child makes on coming into the world is one of discomfort, it is a cry, a reflex action and the child does not expect a response. People first learn their native languages through making all kinds of errors and mistakes, and getting the necessary correction and help from their parents and teachers. The same thing happens when people are learning their foreign languages. In this research paper, I would like to discuss whether or not linguists believe that teachers should correct their students’ errors, and if so, what to correct, how to correct, and when to correct. It is very important for teachers to know and understand this information when they teach students because how they address these issues will have great impact on students’ language learning process. Many people find these two words with similar meanings, but when we are talking about errors and mistakes in language learning, they are representing two different things. Mistake means that learners already know or understand the usage of the language, but unintentionally say or use it in the wrong form or way. However, learners will be able to notice it and self-correct it immediately, and this is called a mistake. On the other hand, the error means that learners use the wrong term, word, or form, and they are unable to recognize the problems. At this time, an error is made and it is needed for somebody to point it out to the learner to correct it. It is interesting to see how error treatment has evolved all these years. We will write a custom essay sample on English as Foreign Language (Efl) Teaching and Learning at the Undergraduate Level: Treatment of Errors and Mistakes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on English as Foreign Language (Efl) Teaching and Learning at the Undergraduate Level: Treatment of Errors and Mistakes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on English as Foreign Language (Efl) Teaching and Learning at the Undergraduate Level: Treatment of Errors and Mistakes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Just a half century ago, when language teachers were enthusiastic about audio-lingual method, nobody had really considered or worried about error treatment. When using audio-lingual method, it came with different sets of dialogues; teachers only needed to guide students to practice all kinds of drills from the set dialogues, and did not need to think about how to deal with errors because students would not have the chance to make any (Hendrickson, 1978, p. 387-88). In practical, Audio- Lingual method (ALM) was not working for people whose learning purposes were communication not memorization of a set of dialogue ould deal with, and they started to modify their teaching methods to focus on communication. Due to this change, students began to make different errors while they were practicing and learning the language, and this transformation made many linguists take into account about how to deal with students’ errors. Previously, when teachers were still using ALM, the errors we re avoided, but with the new teaching approach, some linguists strongly argued that learners’ errors should be corrected immediately, and those errors were not learners’ responsibility to recognize but teachers’ to correct (Hendrickson, 1978, p. 87-88). Literature review While experimenting with different teaching methods, there were two different voices about how to treat students’ errors. One group of linguists thought that the errors students made did not need correction; however, another group of linguists felt that teachers had the obligations to correct students’ errors. The former group of linguists suggested not to correct students’ errors because they felt it was wasting of time for teachers to do that and the outcome was not sufficient since students were still making the same errors over and over again. The other main point the linguists were arguing about is that the error correction would hinder learners’ willingness to speak up in the class because they would be afraid of making any errors and being corrected by teachers. As a result, student’s tensions and anxieties would build up, they would become hesitant to speak and they would develop a lack of confidence in learning the language (Lyster, Lightbown Spada, 1999). Some people may think correcting students’ errors is appropriate; there was another group of linguists who thought that correcting students’ error is not essential for the learners to acquire the language. Just like children, when they tried to learn their native language, they made all kinds of mistakes and got corrected from their parents and teachers (Bartram Walton, 1991, p. 12-13). But the questions are how to do it – what types of errors should receive the top priority treatment, how and when to correct. Currently, linguists think that teachers should first treat students’ errors when they impede the communication (Bartram Walton, 1991, p. 32-40). In other words, when listeners have difficulty to understand the meaning of the message that students are trying to get across, teachers put their focus on making semantic feedback other than correcting syntactic ones. Bartram and Walton (1991, p. 30-31) suggest that different ways of treating students’ errors will have different learning outcomes for students, and teachers need to build up a trusting and confiding relationship with their students. Language Learners need to know from the beginning of the class that making errors and mistakes while they are learning a language is some sort of necessary process, and there is no need to feel ashamed of or embarrassed. Different people know something a little bit better or different than another person, so when language teachers give out their feedbacks on errors, they are not judging but supporting their students. If students make errors, teachers can remodel it by saying it correctly, paraphrase it by saying it in different ways, or prepare a grammar lesson at the end of a class for students. As a language teacher, I strongly believe that students’ errors are signs of learning and depending on the types of errors and situations, teachers need to offer students the correct ways or usages of the language, and students have the rights to know. Teacher needs to know when, what, and how to correct a student’s error, but it is also easy to get carried away and lose the focus. Hendrickson (1978, p. 389-90) and many linguists claimed that it is better not to stop or interfere students in a middle of a conversation or speech just because of some errors. The corrections which are done through breaking up students’ thoughts do not really have sufficient results; instead students feel less motivated and upset from the correction (Lyster, Lightbown Spada, 1999). To improve the efficiency of error correction by students, teachers can be selective and systematic about the particular errors that they would like to deal with at that certain learning stage, and work with students from that point. The other problem they talked about was overwhelming students by correcting their errors. This is an important issue to consider when dealing with error treatment and I think building up a trusting and confiding relationship between teachers and students is fundamental. Suggestion for Future Teaching: The error correction task is a very hard work for a teacher. A teacher need to constantly monitor his students’ language, and in a split foreign, the teacher needs to distinguish, either it a mistake or an error. If the teacher decides not to correct that error at that moment, then he needs to keep in mind to review this problematic area with his students later. Teachers should adopt some teaching strategies about how to deal with different types of students errors. In the case of the first type of errors, the teacher may focus on is the one which confuses or impair the understanding of listeners. Though some linguists suggest of not interrupting student’s speech, but if the language that a student is using makes the other people confused, then the teacher should take step in and try to clarify what he/she means. This is why; some errors and mistakes should be corrected. The teachers may deal with this type of problem by guessing what the student is trying to say, and using the correct form and words to remodel the sentence; or he will use different words with similar meanings to understand student’s intension. While I try to clarify the meaning, students get a chance to hear how to say a particular sentence or use a specific word correctly in a natural way. However, this communication problem is not easy to deal with. To use myself as an example, while I was learning English, I often made the same error several times a day; even though my teacher corrected me more than once, I still kept saying it wrong. I had countless experience about this, and amazingly one day out of blue, I started to say it right, and use it right. Although many linguists have suggested that error correction is just a waste of time, my personally experience shows that this is not true. Those corrections did work, but it just took time for my brain to process those information and time to digest. I think I am the best example of successful error correction. Language teachers may use to solve communication errors is increasing students’ chances exposed to an English environment. Teacher may encourage their students to listen to English songs or radio stations, and watch English channels with covered up Bengali subtitle outside of classroom. In the class, teachers can give them different articles to read with varieties of interests to increase their English proficiency level. It is long been asserted that the students’ communication errors come from their lower English level and lack of exposure to English. By maximizing their chances to read, listen to, and speak in English, they will less likely to produce communication errors. Another problem area the teacher may deal with is grammar. If a couple of students in the classroom often make the same or similar errors repeatedly, the teacher may start to pay attention to the problem. The teacher may not correct them directly, but rather design a mini lesson that refers to the particular grammar problem. The teacher may try to deliver the lesson as soon as possible because I do not want other students to think that the way they say it is acceptable and adopts the same error. Sometimes a mini-grammar lesson at the end of class works to supplement and conclude that day’s lesson. For example, if students are confused about when to use past tense, first, the teacher may write down different sentences in pairs – one with correct tense, and one with incorrect tense aspect, and have students to figure out which one is correct. After they are clear about when and how to use the past tense, I would then ask them to generate their own sentences in past tense, such as what they did yesterday, before the class, or anything happened before now. When they are done, the teacher may ask them to share their sentences with the class, and pass around a big poster to let students write down their past tense sentences. After they all finish, the teacher may hang the poster on the wall to remind students about the past tense they just learned. It is significant that, when and how to correct errors, and enhance teaching the grammar concept. Teachers often feel exhausted and disappointed about the result after correcting students’ error because those errors do not seem to go away. Students are making the same error over and over again. When I ask students to write down their own sentences using the just learned grammar rules, and put them on posters, they will feel ownership of what they have just produced. They will remember that sentence or even that grammar rule longer. And by hanging the poster on the classroom wall, this is another way of preventing students from making the same or similar mistake again. If the same problem occurs, the teacher may point to the poster to remind students. Conclusion: Correcting errors is not random and massive. Teachers need to be systematic and selective about which errors they are going to correct, when and how to correct them. Before doing the research on this topic, I had never thought about how hard it could be for a teacher to correct students’ errors. After studying about this topic, I found some linguists do not believe in error correction and think it is inefficient to correct students’ errors, while other linguists think in totally opposite direction. These elements are crucial to consider because bad correction can result in negative feelings and attitudes from students, such as avoidance, hesitance, humiliation, low motivation, and embarrassment. The teacher should be flexible and open-minded in acquiring varieties of teaching and correcting methods. Having gained so much knowledge from the research, I have some ideas about how to implement error correction in my future classroom. First main point to remember is not to interrupt student’s speech: even though, there is an error, as long as everybody understands. The teacher may ask questions, paraphrase, or reformulate the sentence when I do not understand what student is trying to say. The teacher may also use all kinds of supplement reading, listening, and speaking materials to boost student’s exposure to English, which I think will reduce their chances to make communication errors in the future. When dealing with frequently appearing grammar errors, the teacher may set up grammar lesson to explicit state the rules and exceptions for students, and post the information on the wall, where students can see it constantly without any intensions.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Use of Names of Greek Letters in English

Use of Names of Greek Letters in English Use of Names of Greek Letters in English Use of Names of Greek Letters in English By Mark Nichol Because of the significance of Greek civilization in the development of engineering, mathematics, and science, names for Greek letters of the alphabet are widely employed in English to represent various constants, functions, and variables, though such use has extended to less technical contexts as well. Here’s a discussion of more casual usage. Alpha and beta, the words for the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, were combined- in Greek, Latin, Middle English, and Modern English consecutively- to denote a set of letters, constituting a language’s written system, arranged in a traditional order. The first and last letters, alpha and omega, also have a resonance in Christianity, as the Bible has God referring to himself as â€Å"the beginning and the end, the first and the last.† Alpha also has a sense borrowed from the use of the term in science to describe the first, primary, or dominant specimen in a group, as in referring to the leader of a wolf pack as the alpha. By extension, in popular culture, an alpha male is a dominant, competitive, and aggressive man. Alpha is also the first stage in development of a product, especially software or hardware, during which the bugs are (ostensibly) worked out. Beta, in turn, refers to the next iteration of a product when a select group of people not involved in development of the product are invited to test it to enable further refinement. The word is also used in rock climbing as slang for â€Å"advice,† but this usage apparently stems from the name of the obsolete Betamax videotape format, not directly from the name of the second letter of the Greek alphabet. Delta, based on the shape of the Greek letter by that name, came in English to refer to a triangular area of land where a river divides into smaller flows of water as it nears an ocean; numerous deltas exist around the world, but the most prominent are the Nile Delta, in Egypt, and (to Americans, at least) the Mississippi River Delta, in Louisiana- the latter not to be confused with the Mississippi Delta, a land-bound geographic region in the northern part of Mississippi. It is the latter designation, not the former one, that inspired the phrase â€Å"Delta blues† to refer to the distinctive music form that developed in that part of the United States. Iota, as the smallest letter of the Greek alphabet, came to mean â€Å"a very small amount,† as in â€Å"He doesn’t have an iota of common sense.† The word was sometimes transcribed by Latin scholars as jota, which led to the synonym jot. (This is also the source of the verb jot, meaning â€Å"quickly make a note.†). Omega, as mentioned before, refers to the last or least of anything, including the omega wolf in a pack, while psi, in addition to its frequent use in scientific and technical contexts, refers to psychic or paranormal activity. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive At"Confused With" and "Confused About"Nominalized Verbs

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Poetry Interpretation Paper Research Proposal

American Poetry Interpretation Paper - Research Proposal Example It is quite intriguing to know that the speaker in this poem questions through several inquisitive remarks the need for building walls to his laconic neighbor, but at the same time the speaker takes the initiative every year to let his neighbor know about the wall-building task. Besides that, the speaker also repairs the walls that have been destroyed by the hunters. It is also shocking the way the seemingly peaceful neighbor is described by the speaker 'like an old-stone savage armed' (1914). John C. Kemp explains the irony in this poem as follows: 'Ironically (and there is much irony in this poem), although the speaker complains about his neighbor's unfriendliness, his own susceptibility to subjective vision and his willingness to let his imagination run away with him predispose him also to prejudicial attitudes.' (Kemp, 1979, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a). It is obvious that "Mending Wall" is concerned with the state of incommunication between the neighbors (Montiero, 1988, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a), but a central theme of this poem is related to the critical spirit of the speaker that echoes some kind of influence from authors like Emerson and Thoreau. Analyzing the speaker's attitude towards his neighbor, Racher Hadas makes the following assertations: 'What he objects to is not so much the sentiment itself as the unwillingness or inability of the other to think for himself, to "go beyond his father's saying."' (Hadas, 1976, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a). Furthermore, the use of irony, ambiguity, and critical thinking in Frost's poetry can be understood from his remarks in the essay "Education by Poetry" as follows: 'Poetry provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another. People say, "Why don't you say what you mean" We never do that, we being all of us too much poets. We like to talk in parables and in hints and indirections--whether from diffidence or some other instinct.' (Frost quoted by Raab, 1996, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a). On the other hand, in "The Road Not Taken" there is a subtle irony hidden through some ambigous lines that many readers fail to understand in their right dimension. The speaker had been faced with the challenge of choosing between two paths that in essence are equivalent ('...Then took the other, as just as fair...', '...really about the same...', '...equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black...' (Frost, 1916)). The final stanza can be interpreted with a deeper meaning that the one that lies in the surface as Jay Parini points out: 'My guess is that Frost, the wily ironist, is saying something like this: "When I am old, like all old men, I shall make a myth of my life. I shall pretend, as we all do, that I took the less traveled road. But I shall be lying."' (Parini, 1988, in Modern American Poetry, 2002c). Indeed, the speaker chose the "road less traveled" but this doesn't mean that it was in fact the best decision in the long run (Richardson, 1997, in Modern American Poetry, 2002c). For Robert Faggen, the hidden implications of this poem can be found in the fact that 'It parodies and demurs from the biblical idea

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tegan as One of the Largest Educational Toys Distributor Assignment - 3

Tegan as One of the Largest Educational Toys Distributor - Assignment Example In the case of Tegan, the outsourcing offered some benefits since the company’s outsourcing partner Hrad Technica had possessed significant experience in that field. The Tegan entered into a fixed cost contract with Hrad so that Tegan can avoid further costs related to project development. The outsourcing concept has assisted Tegan to escape from the trouble of reinvesting in the technology. Figure 11.20 indicates that outsourcing process would benefit the firms to reduce the costs by approximately 40% (Developing information systems). The Tegan could also take advantages of various costs such as operational and maintenance costs and project development costs. Moreover, Tegan has not adequate expertise to develop a new A/P system itself. Therefore, it is identified that outsourcing the A/P project was the best-fitted move for Tegan when comparing with other available alternatives. From a detailed study, the outsourcing challenge â€Å"scope of a definition† was the fact or that worsened the outsourcing process. Most of the companies fail to define a specific scope for the proposed program while outsourcing their IT projects. These contractual misunderstandings raise many problems and weaken the project development. Under such circumstances, the beneficiary organization tends to believe that the required services are within the scope of the contract whereas the service provider argues that it is outside the contract and therefore the organization must pay extra fees. Same is the case happened with Tegan and Hrad. During the progress of the project, Hrad Technica identified certain system features such as â€Å"computational forecasting algorithms for selecting and ordering payments† that had not been defined in the initial scope of the contract (Staats & Upton). This situation led to time delay and the need for extra funds for the completion of Tegan’s project. There are some tradeoffs involved in having the requirements analysis for a project performed by one of the firms that would ultimately bid on the project. While performing requirements analysis, the project development firm must try to accumulate information regarding the client firm wherever it is possible. Sometimes, the firms send their official representatives to scrutinize the client’s current systems and practices even though it involves some additional costs. This practice may assist the project development team to acquire the client’s trust. Generally, outsourcing firms also give an opportunity for the client to posts feedbacks at various phases of project development. Although the client’s frequent intervention may interrupt the project development flow, it is a better strategy to provide improved services to the client firms.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Management 4900 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management 4900 - Essay Example It should state the result, its significance and any other conclusion(s), which may be relevant. Introduction: A novel mouse mutant and the corresponding protein, mKIAA058 (in the following ‘KIAA’), was identified and further analysed. In order to understand the functions of this gene/protein, a mouse strain containing a non-functional allele (mKiAA058-; Null-allele) was successfully established. First data indicated an autosomal recessive inheritance as heterozygous (KIAA+/-) as well as homozygous knockout (KIAA-/-) animals were identified. The deficiency of this protein (‘Knockout KIAA’) affects multiple tissues, including skeletal defects (delayed/reduced development of bone and cartilage; growth retardation) as well as a progressive form of vascular degeneration. Later, a corresponding disease in humans was found in a small number of very young patients. The prospects of the patients are not clear at the time and the analysis of the mouse model may provide some hints for the severity of the disease. The analyses of the molecular mechanisms underlyi ng the disease are still ongoing and some problems and experiments linked to these studies are given in the following. Statistical tests may be used to answer some of the questions. In order to define potential effects of the presence/absence of the KIAA protein on the inheritance patterns, a number of breedings were performed. The genotypes of the parents were known and the genotypes of the litters (age: 14-16 days) were analysed by allele-specific PCR reactions. In three parallel experiments (1.1, 1.2, 1.3), crossings of 5 wildtype males (KIAA+/+) with 10 heterozygous females (KIAA+/-) were started and all litters (given as total number of mice) were genotyped and the numbers of all possible genotypes are given in the following Table 1. All tested mice appear normal and show no altered phenotype at the tested age (day 14-16). In three parallel

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland

Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland Chapter 1 Introduction Nihilism is a very popular concept in English Literature and many authors have taken Nihilism as a theme in many of their works. The word Nihilism has long history. The word Nihilism is the resultant of the Latin phrase ‘Nihil’, which means anything does not exist. This term grew to be preferred with the newsletter of Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and sons (1862) the place he used nihilism to explain the basic and rudimentary scientism supported by way of this character Bazarov who sermonizes a statement of belief of total negation. There are a couple of interpretations of the phrase Nihilism, as many critics have stated about Nietzsche that he believed within the literal dying of god. Nietzsche in lots of his works expresses a terror that decline of religion, the upward thrust of atheism, and the nonappearance of a better moral authority would thrust the world into chaos. The western world for a long time was depended on the rule of god for steering and direction and the way in which it gave order to society and which means to way of life or existence . Without this, Nietzsche says that society will move into an age of nihilism. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) is one of the most popular name to be associated with the concept of Nihilism, as he has referred and thereby included this concept in many of his works. He was a German thinker and philosopher of the late 19th century who defied and challenged the fundamentals of Christianity and conventional and traditional morality. Nihilism in step with Nietzsche is first of all the situation where the world appears to be without value, morals, the world after the loss of life of god. There is not any get away from the fact and whilst there is not any approach to reconcile oneself to it, since all of the method have utterly failed. This can be a predicament, an untenable trouble, a state of powerlessness that we cannot probably suffer. For the world seems to be without value precisely on account that the values we invested on this world are failing: they now not participate in their ordering or organizing perform. Nietzsche is probably associated with nihilism that put his factor ahead via saying that its corrosive and mordant results would eventually smash all moral, religious and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the finest trouble in human historical past Nihilism is a term which describes the lack of value and meaning in individual’s life. When Nietzsche mentioned that god is lifeless, he meant that Christianity has somewhere been lost as a guiding force in our lifes and there is nothing to replace it. Nietzsche’s philosophy arrives from the rejection, from outrage on the world, from the simple that world reasons. It is only once we learn to care for this pain, when we observe its vigor, that we will be able to appreciate the world as it is. This needs that we confront nihilism, now not most effective nihilistic attitudes or role but most of all the nihilism of what occurs, the nihilism of our lives. Nietzsche is famous for proclaiming death of god. Through talking concerning the demise of god, Nietzsche is maintaining come what may that god existed for a time and that he died, ceased to exist. Nietzsche is just not pronouncing that god literally existed and he actually died. What he means is right here is that the sugg estion of god performed a principal and a unifying function in western philosophical concept as good as everyday lifestyles, and that this proposal has ceased to satisfy its operate. The topics of nihilism and faith, nihilism and morality, and overcoming of nihilism. This thematic focal point reflects three primary features of view of which nihilism is massive for Nietzsche’s idea. The dying of god represents a predominant precondition for the uncompromising stance regarding the diagnosis of nihilism. After Nietzsche, the influence of nihilism has its clearest and most sustained effect within the huge area of morality; finally the doctrines of eternal return and the desire to power conceived as stratagems for the overcoming of nihilism. In all of the three sections, religion, morality and the overcoming of nihilism – a growing universalization of the predicament of nihilism makes manifest. Nietzsche, at the end of the 19th century mentioned that the approaching century will be the story of nihilism-the expertise of the dying of god and the simultaneous retention of the ancient expectations in regards to the which means, rationale and worth. For the duration of the transitional period of nihilism, humans will think that there is not anything rationale, meaning or values. In short, the world identity nothing-that is the expertise of nihilism-the interpretation of the new world order in phrases of the categories correct to the ancient, now defunct worldview. Nihilism is theref ore a transitional state that outcome from having one foot in the historic world and the opposite in the new of expectations proper to the Christian world view. The points that Nietzsche had put forward regarding Nihilism were critiqued by several religious challengers, and existentialist. One of the popular critics called Albert Camus, believe that the human beings generally logs and desires for higher order absurd. He also said that the death of god was insignificant and unimportant and that the entire mankind, do not need any higher authority or power and danger of divine wrath to live a contented, happy life full of morals. Nietzsche talked about the end of Christian morality in the world. Nietzsche in God is Dead stated that he believed that here is no longer a real essence or substance to conventional and traditional social, political and religious values. He witnessed that old values and old ethics, probity and morals, now, don’t have the same power that they once had. At this stage, he announced the death of god, stating that the traditional or time-honoured resource and basis of transcendental value, God, no longer did not ho ld any importance in modern culture and was efficiently dead to us. Generally, Nihilists believe in the fact that without any apposite and apt source of complete , universal, and inspirational values, then there cannot be any real values at all. Chapter II Unveiling Hidden Aspects of Nihilism in T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland T.S. Eliot (1888-) was born and brought up in St. Louis, Missouri. He went to Smith Academy in St. Louis and after that the Milton Academy in Massachusetts, as his family was initially from New England. Eliot started courses at Harvard University in 1906, graduating after three years with a Bachelor of Arts degree. At Harvard, he was extraordinarily affected by teachers eminent in verse, rationality and abstract feedback, and whatever is left of his artistic profession would be formed by each of the three. Not long after the turn of the century, Eliot started seeing his poems and short stories in print. T. S. Eliot was a writer, screenwriter and scholarly commentator and a Nobel Prize victor for his excellent work. Some of his best known works incorporate the poems The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land, Murder in the Cathedral The Hollow Men, Four Quarters and the plays Murder in the Cathedral and The Cocktail Party. His most renowned exposition remains Tradition and t he Individual Talent. For his lifetime of idyllic advancement, Eliot won the Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948. The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot, showed up during an era when European culture was not knowing as to what to do with itself. Europe had quite recently risen up out of World War I, a war which had damaged the landmass , its general public and society. Numerous people of that time believed in the fact that society has become disordered, chaotic,coldhearted and humans without any sentiments. A feeling of disappointment, disillusion and criticism got to be proclaimed and nihilism became popular and came to the front. The poem then was known as a poem which reflected the condition after the war and how that resulted in degradation and loss of values and ideals,and further resulting, a loss in faith. The Waste Land also expresses the hopelessness which was present in that time in the society. People felt that nothing is left. The poem commences with the central character of the poem, of the wasteland, thinking about the spring: April is the unkind and callous month, variety Lilacs out of the dead land, amalgamating Memory and desire, blending Dull roots with spring rain. Winter keep us warm, covering Earth in dreamy snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. This passage is an indication of the extent of the dilapidation, deprivation and corruption and degradation of man. The man has drawn and has gone so low into depravity, corruption, and decadence and evil that he now wants to live a life of unawareness and due to this they are not living a complete and a fruitful life. April, the month in which spring starts, is no more a happy time in which new life is commended and rejoiced, yet a coldblooded time of resurrection that reminds man that his own particular life is frightfully unfilled and is empty. The speaker then reviews the time he initially understood that his life has become empty, blank, vacant and bare. In the springtime, he says, he gave his mate hyacinths. When he gave a glimpse to her, then he noticed that his beloved arm’s were full of beautiful flowers and from her hair, water was dropping, then he anticipated to see joy, contentment, fulfillment and satisfaction on her face, but saw nothing. As of right now, he understands that genuine bliss cant be found in passing and temporary things. The world holds nothing for him- Oed und scoff das Meer-forsaken and vacant is the ocean. It is conceivable that Eliot resulted in these present circumstances same acknowledgment through a comparable reason, as he and his wife had an exceptionally miserable relationship. The hero then goes up against us a trip through society, an excursion that shows the full degree of human corruption and profound spiritual emptiness and blankness. In the first scene of A Game of Chess, an affluent couple is indicated at home, living futile lives and a life without meaning which is made out of dull schedules. Their relationship is constrained and simulated, every so self-assimilated that not one or the other can correspond with the other. The world war I is one of the most enormous disaster and misfortune in the history. The after effects of the war to had a drastic effect on the ordinary people. The condition of that time was also portrayed in literature, and in poems as well. T.S. Eliot is one of the most important war-poet who in his poem the wasteland, depicts the condition of mankind struck in paramount destruction and demolition following the war. The poem is divided into five parts and its puts forward some of the themes like social devastation, thrashing of joy and looking forward in future and belief in nothing. The poem begins with the first part of the poem named as, ‘The Burial of the dead’. In this section , the speaker can be Eliot himself, is describing the seasons. Spring brings reminiscence and the necessitate and need and then the speaker’s memory drifts back to time to munich, to childhood sled rides and to a potential romance with a hyacinth lady. He then goes on remembering som e other incidents which includes the fortune teller namely , Sosostris and then he finds himself on the London bridge. The third part ‘ The Heart Sermon’ opens with a picture of river. The speaker is sitting on the banks and muses on the deplorable condition of the world and then the scene shifts to maidens singing a song of lament and one of those id crying because of the fact that the world has lost its innocence to a similarly lustful man. The fourth section, ‘ Death by Water’, describes a dead Phoenician lying within the water. The speaker cries for rain and it finally comes. Second part of the poem is a very famous part which is named as ‘ A game of Chess’ which focuses on the aspect that humans share some similarities with the pieces just like there are on the board of chess. The title suggests the horrible conditions after the war for the complete society. People were living on the wasteland, and they have been clutched and compressed in a situation just as pieces in chess. One of the line of the second part of the poem which involves the fisher king myth and it underlines the infertility and barrenness of humanity after the war. There was no love , communication between the lovers and thus it resulted in no reproduction at all. The idea of nothingness and emptiness is the central theme of the poem, which is the symbol of realism of that society. The famous poem the Wasteland is divided into five parts which represents five totally different elements of earth, fire, water, etc, because of the hunter picture in a search. The effects of the war was as such that it did affected the physical environment but it also resulted in the loss of spiritual and moral life and its vitality, liveliness and strength. Because of this condition it was difficult for people to return on the previous innocence and it was marked by emptiness and a search which goes on its journey without any probable scope of improvement. The second part of the poem is also marked by hopelessness, degeneration, infertility, unworthiness and cruel condition of humanity. Humanity has no other option to flee and runaway. But people were still living and continuing there designated roles and was living in horrible conditions around them. The title of the second part is highly symbolic, just as in the game of chess there is an division based on hierarchy, in the same w ay humans are also divided on several parameters and social realities. The second part of the poem can itself be divided into two parts, the first one is concerned with the richer class and the setting is their respective households. And second part depicts the poorer class and the action takes place in a pub. The main subject matter of first part is despair , despondency and lack of optimism are portrayed here. The unproductiveness and aridity of the setting is a major theme which is highlighted by focusing on social classes and persons. The barrenness of marriage is also emphasised to all classes of society and the fact that love does not appear anymore. At the end, what is left behind is darkness, dimness and sadness and a crystal clear picture of the wasteland. Chapter III Conclusion Nihilism is one of the most celebrated notion in English language and many writers have taken Nihilism as a subject matter in many of their works. The word Nihilism has long history. The word Nihilism is the resultant of the Latin phrase ‘Nihil’, which means anything does not exist. Nihilism in step with Nietzsche is first of all the situation where the world appears to be without value, morals, and the world after the loss of life of god. There is not any get away from the fact and whilst there is not any approach to reconcile oneself to it, since all of the method have utterly failed. For the world seems to be without value precisely on account that the values we invested on this world are failing: they now not participate in their ordering or organizing perform. This can be a predicament, an untenable trouble, a state of powerlessness that we cannot probably suffer. Nihilism is therefore a transitional state that outcome from having one foot in the historic world and the opposite in the new of expectations proper to the Christian world view. There are many elements of Nihilism which are found in T.S. Eliot’s the Wasteland. The wasteland causes a sensation once it absolutely was printed in 1922. Nihilism with reference to the Wasteland talks about the end of Christianity and religion as a guiding light to the people because of the growing power of the evil and the victory of good over bad. The Waste Land, by T. S. Eliot, came up during an era when European culture and world was not knowing as to what to do with itself. Many people of that time believed that society has become disordered, chaotic ,and humans without any sentiments. A feeling of disappointment, disillusion and criticism got to be emphasized and nihilism became popular and came to the front. The poem then was known as a poem which reflected the condition after the war and how that resulted in degradation and loss of values , morals and ideals ,and further resulting, a loss in faith. The Waste Land also expresses the hopelessness which was present in t hat time in the society. People felt that nothing is left on which they can believe and attain solutions to their various problems. With his depiction of London as the ‘unbelievable and incredible city’ whose populace has been fixed by death, Eliot plainly depicts the sadness experienced by the British after the war. The city is not just possessed by the coagulated waterway of sighing masses which courses through its mist secured roads, however by the spooky memories of officers like Stetson who lost their lives amid the war. Like The Sound and the Fury, ‘The Wasteland’ endeavors to pass on the agnosticism of its day through its extremely structure and style. By its disconnected lines and various dark references, the poem introduces an age in which otherworldly and existential assurance.Remaining out of sight of this poem is the Fisher King, a legendary figure from Arthurian legend. His barrenness speaks to the sterility of the age, and his just trust is that somebody will ask him what it is that upsets him. In The Wasteland, Eliot is underlining the way that the issue for present day man is not to be found in the absence of bounteous answers, however in the absence of the best possible inquiries. The age that delivered World War I couldnt settle its own particular issues; just a come back to the knowledge that had gone before it offered any trust. These works impart a compelling truth: that in his ascent to power and investigative ability, humankind lost his direction. Perplexity rules and his tower is left to disintegrate. This is skepticism: the breaking down of all esteem; the lethal oversight of overlooking that the most valuable things that a man has are not those things which can be full in a wash room, put away in a ledger. Yet, as Eliot saw, there is trust: escape from the maze of negligibility is not found by pressing forward into the dimness, however by taking after the breadcrumbs of times long past once again to the doorway and to escape. The poem’s main element of ni hilism can be found in a manner that the death of Christianity and religion as a source of enlightenment and inspiration from is as it is dead because of the increased corruption and loss of values and morals. The poem also gives many examples in various sections about the degrading values and morals and the way people are becoming materialistic and only thinking about themselves rather than humanity on a whole. Works Cited:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Diversity of Education Essay -- College University Education Essays

Diversity of Education Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated, â€Å"Most†¦think that education should equip them with the proper instruments of exploitation so that they can forever trample over the masses. Still others think that education should furnish them with noble ends rather than means to an end.† What Dr. King was getting at in The Purpose of Education is that education holds many different values for many different people. How can we go about determining one standard value of a college education for a country so recognized for its diversity? Also, is it really true that everyone in our divergent society has an equal opportunity to attend a university? We cannot ignore the fact that the characteristics that separate us will ultimately have a profound impact on both our individual opportunities for and values of a university education. A kid growing up in poverty does not have near the same probability of graduating from a university as a wealthy individual does, and each learns to value post high school education accordingly. Do you think most poor hungry kids are going to think about college after seeing flashy drug dealers from their own neighborhoods driving Benzes, wearing designer clothes, loaded with jewelry, and toting matching Rolex watches? They know this kind of life is morally wrong, but do you think they would rather see their families continue to live like rats? Many of these kids have already dropped out of high school to better support their families by working a full time job. So many times funding is not the only problem. Sure, they could probably get financial aid to go to college and make even more money in four to six years, but hungry stomachs and overdue rent payments just can’t wai... ...cation to a much lesser extent. They usually go on to live a comfortable life, but they sadly remain stuck in their characterless world of superficiality. Lower class students learn to value their education the most, but rarely get the opportunity to do so. They end up as the realest people with the most heart, but go on to live life struggling. So the winners are those who find the perfect balance of opportunity and value, and in my opinion they are the middle class students. These students not only grow intellectually, but they also grow to improve a great deal in character. If these students can make it past the strenuous college years, they will go on to live a special balance of comfortable living along with a good personality. Life does not always appear to be fair, but sometimes we think we are losing life’s battle when we are actually winning its war.